Why are you getting involved in politics?
First, I am not a politician, I am a Father, Soldier and Business owner. I am in Lansing to make a difference. It is about “we the people” not me the person. We have seen what an overreaching state and federal bureaucracy can do to our economy, I believe we need non-politicians in Lansing to bring common sense to the table.
Are you Pro-life?
Yes – Natalie and I have nine children, I think that proves I am. I also believe every life deserves to be respected and by decree of our founding documents deserves the opportunity of “Life Liberty & the Pursuit of happiness”.
Why do you believe you have what it takes?
During my 30 year military career, and nine years owning a business, I have demonstrated the ability to work with everyone for the purpose of success. As a Chief Warrant Officer I took teams of very diverse Soldiers and through congeniality and respect completed missions successfully. As a business owner, I treat the entire team of employees with respect, even when there are differing opinions, respect goes a long way
What are the ages of your children?
The youngest is 4 ½ and the oldest is 24
What is your favorite hobby or activity?
I like to do woodworking or small construction projects, or playing tickle monster with the kids.
How long have you lived in the district?
I have resided in Erie since 2001. I am a life-long Monroe County resident, prior to moving to Erie I lived in Maybee and Carleton.
What are your ambitions?
My ambition is to get things done, outside that I have no aspirations for higher office. Most politicians want something more, I simply want to represent my family and community through my service. I believe we need people in Lansing that are connected to the communities that they serve. I have a lot at stake, with young children, a business and this drives me to not think of myself but the ones I am serving.
What is you view on taxes?
I believe as a tax payer we deserve a good return on investment (ROI) for our tax dollars. I believe taxes should be lowered and should be equitable. I believe the ROI on education taxes the past few years have been incredibly inadequate, which is why I support competition through school choice and individual vouchers where the tax dollars follow the child, not vice versa.
How will you get involvement from the communities?
I will hold meeting with the communities where they are. I will hold coffee sessions in small businesses which will benefit those small shops as well as provide valuable feedback to the people of these communities.